The ship’s size enables you to move around freely and choose whether you want to...
Stay inside, 100% dry and out of the sun.
Sit comfortably on one of the benches either at the front or the back of the boat, wherever there is just enough sun, wind and ocean-spray for you.
Sit on the open viewing platform at the top for even more photographic opportunities. From up there you can enjoy an unrestricted 360° view of the breath-taking wildlife and scenery.

Moby Dick:
Offers you dry storage for your camera and belongings;
Provides you with bottled water and snacks;
Has 2 bathrooms on board;
Is the only whale-watching boat certified to operate more than 6 miles off shore;
Is the only commercial whale-watching boat;
Is certified and regularly inspected by the IPTM (Instituto Portuário e dos Transportes Marítimos);
Is the only owner-operated whale-watching boat on São Miguel.